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Version: isoarch.v2.0

Radiocarbon measures

Sample reference


Sample reference is a unique identifier assigned first by the compiler and then by the IsoArcH database to each collected sample. In each dataset, these numbers will span from 1 to n, with n representing the maximum number of samples compiled. Once in the IsoArcH database, this identifier will include the dataset number as a prefix. GRIST may automatically populate this field. Example: 1

Tooth fraction


Legacy names

fraction of tooth sample

Tooth fraction refers to the particular portion of the tooth that has been sampled.

stringmineral measures, organic measures, radiocarbon measuresLowercase: yesNo

Allowed Values:

  • dentine
  • enamel
  • pulp

Measure type


Measure type indicates whether the isotope and elemental measurements were conducted on a mineral or an organic compound within the sample.

stringradiocarbon measuresLowercase: yesNo

Allowed Values:

  • mineral
  • organic

14C lab code


14C lab code refers to the unique identifier assigned by a radiocarbon laboratory to a radiocarbon date.

stringradiocarbon measuresYes

Uncalibrated 14C date


Legacy names

14C uncalibrated age

Uncalibrated 14C date refers to the raw date directly measured from the sample by a radiocarbon laboratory.

TypeSectionsUnit / NormRequired
integerradiocarbon measuresyears BPNo

14C date uncertainty


Legacy names

14C σ

14C date uncertainty refers to the uncertainty accompanying the raw date directly measured from the sample by a radiocarbon laboratory.

TypeSectionsUnit / NormRequired
decimalradiocarbon measuresyears BPNo